Hot Stone Massage provides a deep feeling of healing and relaxation by expanding blood vessels and encouraging blood flow through the body. It can provide relief from chronic pain and reduce the feeling of stress. The heat from the stones helps your muscles relax, allowing the therapist to manipulate deep tissues more effectively. Although the massage is primarily for relaxation, the heated stones are beneficial in releasing tension and easing sore muscles. This feeling of relaxation also means the treatment is beneficial on both a physical and psychological level.
The stones are heated in sanitizing water before use. The high iron content in basalt helps the stones retain heat during the massage.
Treatments usually begin with the heated stones resting on trigger points in your body before beginning the actual massage. The stones are then used as an extension of the therapists' own hands. They are used as a tool for massaging throughout the body with oils, following the muscle cords to relieve any tight or tense areas.
It is important to communicate with the therapist if the stones feel too hot or the pressure is too intense.
This therapy is not appropriate for clients who are pregnant or who have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or are on blood thinners.
The stones are heated in sanitizing water before use. The high iron content in basalt helps the stones retain heat during the massage.
Treatments usually begin with the heated stones resting on trigger points in your body before beginning the actual massage. The stones are then used as an extension of the therapists' own hands. They are used as a tool for massaging throughout the body with oils, following the muscle cords to relieve any tight or tense areas.
It is important to communicate with the therapist if the stones feel too hot or the pressure is too intense.
This therapy is not appropriate for clients who are pregnant or who have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or are on blood thinners.